Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil

With this versatile helper, organic certified hemp oil, you will enrich your cold kitchen with a distinctive herbal taste and aroma. In addition to all the exceptional properties, you get one of the best sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

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4,9 £

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Code: 4000000050000008

100% pure and natural

100% pure and natural

All ingredients contained in the product are 100% pure and natural and non-synthetic.


It all started in far away China

The discoverers of this lush green plant are undoubtedly the Chinese. The then Emperor Chen Nung recorded the information about the incredible effects of cannabis in the first Chinese pharmacopoeia, which sparked an avalanche of interest not only among Chinese physicians. As it happens, the migration of nomadic peoples and proven experience spread the knowledge of this sacred plant all over the world.

The plant has also become popular for its rapid growth and indiscriminate use. The tasty and highly nutritious hemp seeds were added to all kinds of dishes. With the advent of the first presses, the seeds were pressed into valuable and versatile oil. The rich green leaves were used to make healing herbal salves and poultices. The remaining parts were used to make hemp fibre, a highly durable material for making ropes and nets.

Interest in hemp oil is steadily increasing, not only among enthusiastic consumers but also among manufacturers of purely natural-based dietary supplements.

Cultivation and origin

Hemp is a low environmental impact plant**

The cannabis plant is particularly famous for its very fast growth and relatively high resistance, for which no pesticides or herbicides are needed. This makes it a low environmental impact crop. As early as 120 days after planting, the hemp is harvested and the oval seeds are then gently pressed into the resulting hemp oil.

Our hemp oil from China is ORGANIC certified.

Composition and properties

One of the best sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids

Hemp oil is characterized by its distinctive herbal taste and aroma. Its colour is light to dark green, thanks to the chlorophyll that is transferred to the resulting oil during the pressing of the seeds.

Hemp oil is also an important source of fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, natural dyes and other phytonutrients, which are responsible for its exceptional properties.

In addition, hemp oil belongs to the group of vegetable oils with an ideal ratio of essential and polyunsaturated fatty acids (the ratio corresponds to the traditional Japanese and Mediterranean diet). The polyunsaturated fatty acid content is as high as 80%, making hemp oil one of the best sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids ever.


Herbal flavour and aroma for cold food preparation**

It is used especially in cold food preparation because its beneficial substances are sensitive to higher temperatures. It is used especially in cold food preparation because its beneficial substances are sensitive to higher temperatures. It is excellent in combination with fresh vegetables. It can also be used to flavour various spreads and cold dishes, adding a fresh colour and enhancing the flavours contained.


S. BORHADE, Shobha, 2013. Chemical Composition and Characterization of Hemp (Cannabis sativa) Seed oil and essential fatty acids by HPLC Method. Scholars Research Library ### . 5(1), 5–8 [cited 2020–11–11]. Available from:

FARINON, B. et al.2012. The Seed of Industrial Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.): Nutritional Quality and Potential Functionality for Human Health and Nutrition. Nutrients. (12), 1935–1994.

BONINIA, Sara Anna et al.2018: Cannabis sativa: A comprehensive ethnopharmaco­logical review of a medicinal plant with a long history. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 5(227), 300–315.

LEONARD, William et al., 2020. Hempseed in food industry: Nutritional value, health benefits, and industrial applications. COMPREHENSIVE REVIEWS IN FOOD SCIENCE AND FOOD SAFETY. 19(1), 282–308.

CROCQ, Marc-Antoine, 2020. History of cannabis and the endocannabinoid system. Dialogues Clin Neuroscience. 22(3), 223–228.

ø Nutritional information

  Per 100 ml
Energy value 3367 kJ / 819 kcal
Fat 100 g
– of which saturates 13.1 g
– of which monounsaturated fatty acids ≤25.8 g
– of which polyunsaturated fatty acids 79.5 g
Carbohydrates 0 g
– of which sugars 0 g
Protein 0 g
Salt 0 g



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